San Francisco Adventures Part 1-Ate9 daNCEcOMPANY

A week ago I was blessed to spend four days in
the beautiful city of San Francisco, CA.

I had never been there before,
and jumped at the opportunity to go visit my friend
who is interning there for the summer.

I want to cover my trip in detail,
but this specific blog is designated to a 
dance performance I had the privilege of seeing.

Please look for my next blog to read about
our many adventures in the city.

A friend of mine, David Maurice
whom I went to the University of Arizona with,
is now in the Gaga (not Lady Gaga) movement based company,
with their home in Los Angeles.

Photo borrowed from their Facebook page.
Photographer: Unknown

And they happened to be performing
one night only, in San Fran.

I got ahold of another friend currently in San Fran 
who also went to school with David and I, 
to come see the performance.
My friend I was visiting that week
also came along.

Myself, David Maurice (company member) and Weston Krukow
Representing the University of Arizona

The dance performance we not only watched
but were mesmerized by was

Photo borrowed from their Facebook page.
Photographer: Unknown

From the very beginning with unison movement
done in silence, to the partnering work,
to the solos, to the characteristic journey 
to the unexpected ending.
I was enthralled.

As a choreographer myself,
I was introduced to new ways the body could move
and connect with the mind,
and other dancers.

I was in awe and respected that no two dancers
had the same body build or way of articulating their body in space.
Yet they all brought a matching power
and desire to connect with each other and
(the visionary of the company and movement)
asked of them to portray and feel. 

There is a tendency and almost
expectation for a piece of work that is around an hour long,
to have moments that do not capture our attention,
or almost allow us to leave the present moment and let our minds wonder.

Such was not the case with this performance.
The audience was absolutely silent and many leaning forward,
fully engaged through the whole performance.

They are continuing to perform this must see 
performance around L.A. and in California.

If you get a chance,
please take a moment and include yourself on their journey.

If nothing else, 
you will be more educated in the art of dance
and human expression.  


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