A Moment Please......of Adulthood

I had my first experience of visiting a maternity store today.
No, Not for me.
For my dear friend Amanda.
I have been with her through single-hood,
to dating seriously,
the proposal and engagement,
being a brides-maid in her wedding,
and now assisting her in selecting black slacks for work
to hold in her cute new round tummy that is carrying
their first child.

(Amanda and I posing in Target)

And it was in this marternity store that I had a moment
where I felt completely adult.
You would think that someone who is 24yrs old,
lived on her own, finishing up college,
and is currently engaged,
would already know what this feels like.
Well, I thought I did until I really felt it today.

My dear friend is married, and is now expecting a baby.
And I'm engaged myself.
There I was standing in the store amongst rubbing cream
and a variety of empire waist tops
when it hit me....this feeling of adulthood.
That's it. It just hit me like that.
I dwelt on it for a few minutes, and decided.....
that I like being in this place in my life.

And now that I've established that,
I would just like to share with you what one does
after having a moment of feeling adult......

(Me in Target...thinking I look fashionable)

She goes into Target with said friend and tries on
multiple silly glasses.
Including a pair that makes her look like a bug.

I guess feeling like an adult is going to be coming
in waves for this gal.


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