Three Days of Chocolate, Dancing, and Stars

To make up for the surprise I ruined
(see previous blog)
L and I made a weekend out of Valentines
He took Saturday off so we had a 3 day weekend together.

It started saturday.
I talked L into performing with me in the Masquerade scene
(his previous dance training is minimal)
from Phantom of the Opera
with a local Opera company.

The production was a success
and we thoroughly enjoyed the time together
as well as performing.
His mother was able to attend and see her son dance for the first time.

Let me just add that L is a phenomenal leader with ballroom
.....and me...
well I am not so good at following.

(L and I before Phantom in our masquerade masks
but not in full costume yet)

(L practicing the Masquerade dance)

Sunday we enjoyed church
then lounged and read in our newly
rearranged bedroom
(courtesy of me)

That evening we had Family Home Evening
with some other kid-free couples from our church
and we are all mastering the art of playing poker.
(ssshhh don't tell my dad we are playing cards on sunday)

After, L and I made Valentine's for my sister and her family.

(the Valentine's cards in progress)

Valentine's Day L also had off from work
and I was free so we made a whole day of it.

First L did have to go to school in the morning,
which allowed me to finish one of the gifts for him.

First thing when we both got home was exchange gifts.

This is what he gave me:

(Dark chocolate Lindor Truffles, Raisin Bran Crunch,
Peach roses, my very own phone charger, a cute card,
and not shown is a purse organizer that I desperately needed)

I gave him a star.
That's right a star in the sky.
I purchased it from because they had a deal.
You can actually go to and buy one yourself.
You get a certificate and the coordinates and a map of where it's located.

I won't tell you what we chose to name that star,
but it's ours now regardless.

I also, got him a gift card to Barnes & Noble to get a new book
when he finishes reading the series he currently is.
And new pictures of me to put in his frame.

After the initial gift exchange
we rode our bikes to the movie theatre to watch the new
Chronicles of Narnia movie.

We then rode to my sister's house and swapped Valentine's with them.
The ones they made us are so stinkin cute
and hanging on our door.

I then headed off to dance class, and he worked on homework.

That evening we went to a fancy Asian restaurant
for a late night amazingly delicious dinner
of coconut shrimp, duck and salmon!

It was a spectacular weekend with the love of my life.
We very rarely get to spend so much time together
and I cherish every moment we do.


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