When It Rains It Pours

This year is starting off amazingly well.

I will list these items that I have already been blessed
with this year,
in no particular order.

1) I have officially been awarded my college degree
so I am no longer in school after 5 1/2 years

2) My younger sister came down for a week to visit.
This was the first time that all three sisters spent a week together.
I will cherish this week forever.
My two sisters and I each have this picture in matching frames.

(L-R Older Sis M., Younger Sis H., and Moi)

3) That same week my oldest brother and his family came down for 24 hours to visit.
4 out of 6 siblings were reunited for a brief, but hilarious period of time...
as evident by the following picture.

(L-R Oldest bro N., Oldest Sis M., Moi, Youngest Sis H.)

4) I got my husband to go watch the new Disney movie "Tangled" with me.
The movie was epic but the best part was watching L's face during the film.
Total perfect time well spent.

5) And the dance studios are back open and I am teaching
and dancing up a storm.

It's only been a few short days since the new year has started
but already so much has taken place
and I can already recognize the countless blessings pouring in
from my Heavenly Father.

I pray that all of you will have a blessed year as well.


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