2011- Oh to Keep A Resolution

A whole year has flown by
and with it many important changes have occurred in my life.

II got married to the best man in the world.
I completed my BA degree in Dance.
I moved to Arizona.
I started working with a phenomenal dance company.

Along with these changes I had also been working on keeping
my 2010 resolution.

Now I have not been one to even make new year resolutions.
I am honest with myself knowing that I won't even last a week
before I break my goal.

But last year was a bit different.
I came up with one that I really wanted to do,
and that didn't require me to do it everyday.
My goal last year was to write and mail
a thank you card every week to someone.

Despite only missing a few weeks here or there,
I can say I successfully completed my goal.

I am going to keep doing this because I enjoy it so much.
(and I have an excuse to buy cute thank you cards)

Discovering that in fact I could actually keep a resolution,
I decided to take a whack at it again this year.

I am going to read all of Jane Austen's works.
I have had in my possession for many years all of her books,
but have never gotten around to reading them.

I have watched all the movies based on her books many times
and now it is time to step up and read those books.

I have a confession to make.
I thought up this resolution a month ago
and was so excited by the idea that I actually started
reading "Persuasion" in December.

It's going so swimmingly
that I am sure this is a resolution that I intend to
and will most definitely keep.

What are your resolutions this year for 2011?


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