Closet Swapping

My little sister and I live in the same house now. We've never really had the same taste in clothes, or been the same size. That all changed this past summer. When she moved back home our clothing options doubled. Our style of fashion became similar during this semester and we are almost the same size. Translation? Half the time I see her, she is wearing something of mine. And vice versa. And what really tops it off is that we look almost identical, except her hair is extremely short, and mine goes past my shoulders.

People even confuse us for each other at the college all the time. Just an example of our "swapping". I'll get dressed and realize I would like to wear a black jacket, but I don't have one. She does though. She lets me borrow it. She needs a certain color top to completer her outfit, which only I have. I let her borrow it. And this just continues on. We each even bought a turtle neck, in different colors that we liked, just to spend the price for only one, but knowing we could just borrow the other's top when needed. What gets even more interesting is that I'll forget I let her borrow something, and a few weeks later she'll give it back to me and it's like I got a whole new shirt all over again. The most consistent problem we have is getting ready for church. We never talk about what we're going to wear, to each other before hand. We just meet by the door before we leave the house, and almost always we are wearing almost identical outfits. One of us then has to go change because it's alittle childesh to be dressed so similarly when together. It's usually me. Which I don't mind. I always love putting together different outfits. Does it bother me that my sister is wearing my clothes more often than her own? Not at all. I'm proud that my lil sis and I have similar taste. And I like to think that we have a great sense of taste at that. Plus it helps to have an extra closet to pick through when getting dressed for the day. This is a similar situation for roommates too I believe. Plus this is definitely an inexpensive way to expand your wardrobe without spending a dime. Just don't forget to wash and return the clothing in a timely manner, and in the same condition you found it! They'll let you raid their closet again if you do. And that can't have a price put on it.


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