from flip flops to boots

Being on a college campus regularly definitely lends to viewing of odd and like able fashion choices. The most common one are flip flops during the summer, with the occasional slipper wearer, and boots of all kinds in the fall and winter. Right now we are in that glorious transition from summer to fall. Every other day it's either 80 degrees, or 60 degrees. You can tell no one thinks this through by what they wear. There are those who think it will be 80, and wear shorts, dresses, and still bare as much skin as possible, squeezing those last few summer days out of their wardrobes. On these days, it usually around 60. There are those who anticipate the worst and bundle up, which is the day it hit 85 and everyone is sweating. There are the occasional smart ones who recognize that it's all about the layering at this time of year. You wear a tshirt, and a medium weight jacket, then remove the jacket and carry it around half the day. Yes, this is annoying but only lasts a good few weeks. Today I witnessed a girl wearing a very mini dress and sandals, and walking past her was a girl bundled up with only her face showing. She had on sweats, ugg boots, a jacket and a beanie on. It was chilly this morning, but not that chilly. And the girl in the dress, she was a little uncomfortable. Just remember no matter where you live, seasons change and so do wardrobe options. Wearing flip flops until there is snow on the ground is probably not the wisest idea. Just choose your footwear carefully, as well as the rest of your wardrobe and embrace the next season, fall!


  1. I love your Blog! But would LOVE to see pics of all your shoes! They sound amazing!

  2. Wonderful idea! It might take me a week or so, with school and my dancer concert. But it's a project I look forward to completing for you!

  3. Oh I can not wait! Thank you so much!

  4. Sorry I haven't taken care of the shoe pictures earlier. I'm doing that as soon as I finish this comment.

    Now you can email me whenever you would like at

    Thanks for the support!


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