Top 11 Favorites of 2011

I am listing my top 11 favorite things that happened this past year
in 2011!!

They are in order from the beginning of the year til present.

And there may or may not be more than one picture per memory.
(Hey, it's my blog I can do things like that)

Here it goes!

1. L and I taking ballroom lessons that lead me to discover
his amazing partnering skills that then led us to perform
in "the Phantom of the Opera".

(He made me promise that he would never have to do that again.
My toes were crossed when I agreed)

2. The trip to S Carolina with my mom and younger sis,
to visit my older brother and his fantastic family.

(I'm holding my new nephew Sam)

3. Playing a drunk sister with Mika in
Lindsay J's Flapper dance in the April
performance for Dance For a Cause.

(Yes that's me on my backside with my legs in the air)

4- Graduating from my undergrad program (finally)
Colorado Mesa University

(This was my first time back to CO since I had been married.
There was a lot of visiting dear friends that weekend)

5- My husband and dear friend Mika (well mostly Mika)
threw me a fantastically amazing surprise birthday party!!
The theme was Candy Land the board game.

(Mika and I)

(L and I. Part of the surprise was that he got off work
to be there)

6- Celebrating our 1 year anniversary

(This is a wedding photo)

7- I got braces put on and will have them for 2 years.
(This does not constitute a picture by any means)

8- Moving into our new (and much larger) apartment.
I got my own "step-in" closet in this one.
(I wrote a blog about that. Click here to read)

(This is a picture of our new place during Christmas.
Just go with it)

9- My family reunion in Utah with all of my siblings there,
and some cousins!
My amazing cousin took some photos of me dancing
among the Aspen trees.
(Check out her blog here.)

10- I started Graduate school at the University of Arizona,
in the fall.
I'm getting my MFA in Dance with a focus in choreography.
(1 semester down and 3 to go!)

(The two with me are B and E. They were the couple
I choreographed on for my first choreography project at
my grad program. Click here to read the blog and watch the video.)

12- The final thing that happened that I am so thankful for
is that my Father-In-Law came home safely from
Afghanistan and we were able to spend Christmas with him.
(Of course we didn't take any photos...that I know of)

I hope that 2011 was good to you and that
2012 will be only better in the year to come!!


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