Autumn 2013=Life

It is the eve of Christmas,
and the year 2013 is drawing to a close.

These past 5 months have brought new adventures
and challenges to my life and family.

1. We moved across the country to Louisiana,
so I could become the Director of Dance at 
Louisiana School for Math Science and the Arts.

2. We found out we are expecting our first baby, 
right before we moved across the country.

3. We lived apart for three months
while L completed training for his new job with Geico
that would allow him to live/work with me in Louisiana.

4. We found out the gender of our baby.

All these things resulted in L supporting me in Grad School,
so I could accept this job in Louisiana.

We are very happy in our new digs,
and love where life is unexpectedly taking us.

My new job brings its challenges,
but getting to know my dancers has been the highlight of the semester.

We look forward to what this new year brings
with our growing family, our jobs and unforeseen opportunities.

We are blessed and truly grateful.

I hope this change in the years has found you
happy, healthy and wise.

Merry Christmas!


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