The Trisha Brown Experience

You might be wondering who Trisha Brown is...
well she is the creator of her own dance company
or the TBDC as I reference it in my blog.

I was fortunate enough to experience her work 
a few weeks ago at school.

One of the perks of attending such a fine
dance institution at the University of Arizona
are the connections for working with so
many talented artists.

The organization UA Presents brings to Tucson
so many vocalists, musicians, dance company's,
performers etc each year. 
The TBDC is one of the 
many dance companies they brought.

Bringing up the perks again,
sometimes company members of the performing 
group coming to Tucson
will offer a master class for the UofA
dance students.

Such was the case with the TBDC.
One of their company members led us
more than instructed us that day.
He had a fine musician at his fingertips,
and excused him because he wanted us to work in silence.

The movement and repertoire he taught us
spoke to my body and the whole process
was enlightening both mentally and physically.
Of course these kind of personal experiences
are hard to put into words for others to understand or relate.

As for the performance,
lets just say I will always have a love/hate
relationship with post-modernism.
There is always something I learn from each performance
in this style, and such was the case again
when watching the TBDC perform.

The most impressionable experience was becoming
so in tune with my own body during and after the master class.

That is the strongest moment I will take away from this experience.


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