My...what fine nails you have.


Wonderful things our nails.

So the option to have acrylic nails put on
or paint them yourself
or leave them al la naturale
has been our only options for quite some time....

Now there is a new option that is
becoming the new trend.

It is known as shellacking or gelling your nails.
(Depends on the nail salon)

It's very simple.
It's a step down from acrylic.
It's still thick, but there are no tips to add
or the long process.
And the price is half of what you pay for acrylic.

Because it is so new there are not that many color options yet
but it's still fantastic.

And it is guaranteed to last up to 2 weeks.
(Which mine did no problem)

The hand on the L is mine.
The hand on the R is my mother-in-laws.

We both loved the results and how long it lasted
and it only cost $15!!
That's if you're not getting a basic manicure done.

So if you are looking to have your nails done
but don't want the long term cost and care of acrylic
or the major cost at all,
get gel nails.

And all you have to do to remove them is
soak them in nail polish remover for a while.

It's really that easy.

Get off your tush and head straight to the nail salon right now!
(You know you want to try this out)


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