A Simple Fact

An apology to my many many many many followers.
(Ok, I got a little carried away there)
I'm at least hoping I have one.

I had set the goal to write a blog a week.....
and well that hasn't been happening.
Just an update on why.
This is my busiest and last semester at school,
with academic classes and dance performances,
rehearsals, and classes. 

I heard this next bit from my Fiance,
who heard it from his sister,
who will be my sister-in-law in 2 months!
Again, got carried away....

The "simple fact" is this.

If you put a penny in a vase of wilting flowers
they will perk up and last a few more days.

Trust me, er my future sister-in-law.
Give it a try.
It will only cost you a penny.


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